

not only talk and give an advice. We make a full process from start to finish line of your certification and licensing with ease.

Our Best Service

The Most Viable Service.

Here is our best service for licensing and certification for yout export & import business.

Certification of Telecommunication Devices and Equipments

We provide all of licensing and certification process of telecommunication devices and equipments. 

The package includes these items of services:

Recommendations from Related Ministry

With this service we help you to get recommendations from related ministries for your product licensing and certification.

In this service we also provide these item:

Import Approval

Providing a consulting anda assisting service for import approval of your import products.

This service packages include:

Certification of Indonesian National Standard (Sertifikasi Standar Nasional Indonesia [SNI])

We provide all of certification process of Indonesian National Standard (SNI). 

The package includes these items of services:

Warranty Card & Manual Instruction

We help to register the products, goods or devices that have a guarantee card and manual to the Ministry of Trade.

In this service we all include:

Registration Certificate Agent or Distributor of Goods and/or Services (Surat Tanda Pendaftaran [STP])

we help and guide to register Certificate Agent or Distributor of Goods and/or Services (Surat Tanda Pendaftaran [STP])​.

This service packages include:

Certification for Domestic Local Content (Tingkat Kandungan Lokal Dalam Negeri [TKDN])

We help and guide your certification process of Domestic Local Content (TKDN). The package includes these items of services:

Certification of Telecommunication Devices and Equipments

Every telecommunication device and equipment which is made, assembled, delivered, traded or used in Indonesia must have a certificate from the Directorate General of Resources & Equipment of Post & Information Technology (Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya & Perangkat Pos & Informatika [Ditjen SDPPI]) in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.

Recommendations from Related Ministry

For certain products (before being exported abroad or imported to Indonesia), they require the recommendation from related ministries in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations before obtaining import approval from the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. There are some recommendations from those ministries, such as recommendation for cellular phone importer, recommendation  for iron & steel, product registration (tanda pendaftaran produk [TPP]) for import, product registration (TPP) for production, recommendation for local content (TKDN), recommendation for forestry ministry, recommendation for telecommunication devices & equipments that are not required to be certified, recommendation for SNI exception, recommendation for color printer, etc.

Import Approval

A customer can get import approval from the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia if the customer has an import permit and fulfills the import requirements in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations and has a recommendation from related ministry.

Certification of Indonesian National Standard (Sertifikasi Standar Nasional Indonesia [SNI])

SNI is the only standard that applies nationally in Indonesia and the mandatory for certain products in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations. SNI was formulated by the Technical Committee and stipulated by National Standardization Agency (Badan Standardisasi Nasional [BSN]) of Indonesia. The formulation of SNI itself is based on law in PP No. 102/2000 regarding National Standardization. SNI certification is used for public interest, national security, national economic development and preservation of environmental functions.

Warranty Card & Manual Instruction

It is mandatory to register products, goods or devices that have a guarantee card and manual to the Ministry of Trade. If they are not registered, the products, items or devices can be detained at the surveillance time of goods in circulation.

Registration Certificate Agent or Distributor of Goods and/or Services (Surat Tanda Pendaftaran [STP])

Each national trading company that makes agreements with principals of foreign or domestic production goods or services as an agent, sole agent, distributor or sole distributor must be registered with the Ministry of Trade to obtain an STP.

Certification for Domestic Local Content (Tingkat Kandungan Lokal Dalam Negeri [TKDN])

TKDN is the value of content as a percentage of the domestic production component. The Ministry of Industry has appointed two independent surveyors for TKDN certification, namely: PT Sucofindo (Persero) and PT Surveyor Indonesia.

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